1. Go to https://www.moonpay.com/ and fill in the amount you received on your order
(Copy the link in a new tab of your browser or google moonpay)
2. Enter how much you want to buy for in BTC/SEK (150 EURO)
It is important that you include the fee from moonpay in the payment.
and click continue.
3, Paste the address you just copied under wallet address and click continue.
4, Enter your email address and click continue.
5, You will receive a code sent to the email you entered. Enter that code and press continue.
6, Then fill in your address, city, postal code and country and click continue.
7, Now enter your card details and click continue.
8, now click ONLY the box that says you accept moonpay’s terms and NOT that this should happen every month.
Then click on continue.
9, Now you just have to approve with your bank ID.
When you have paid, please take a Print Screen of the payment and save the transaction ID (TXID) in case something happens to your order so we can locate your payment.
It takes up to 120 minutes for the payment to reach us that way.