Go to bt.cx (Google BTCX to get right)
In the buy express box
1. you fill in the sum in EURO you have on your order.
2. Enter your social security number
3. Choose your bank
4. Press continue
5. Scan the QR code with your BankID
6. Identify yourself in the BankID app.
7. Let it finish loading
8. Fill in your information
- Name
- Lastname
- social security number
- Phone number
Check the NO box if you are a high-ranking person.
Press next.
9-15 Fill in your information press next
NOTE on number 12, select “for speculation”
16. Fill in the BTC address you got from our website and tick “Priority order” Press next
17. Agree to BTCX’s terms and conditions
18. tap pay by credit card
19. Fill in your card details.
20 tap Pay
When you have paid, please take a Print Screen of the payment and save the transaction ID (TXID) in case something happens to your order so we can locate your payment.
It takes up to 120 minutes for the payment to reach us that way.