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This instruction applies to Formuler Z8, Z10 Pro and Formuler Alpha.

Step 1:
When you get the box home, start by plugging in all the supplied cables and use an internet cable if you have poor Wi-Fi. Now you start the box and select your settings such as language, region, time, etc. After that is done, your formula should be updated.

Step 2:
1. Go to the Market and download the Audio Optimizer app and run it once.

Step 3:
1. Add portal
2. In Portal Nickname, write: NXT-iPTV
3. Portal URL: Issued upon request or when purchasing a subscription. Enter URL without /C
4. When you have filled in the link on the PORTAL URL, you fill in the username and password, to bring up that option, you tick “Login Required”
5. Now click connect and if you have done everything correctly, the portal will start up

Step 4:
1. When the portal has read everything, press the menu button on the box
2. Here you see the Live TV, VOD and TV Series categories
3. Scroll down to settings and select the default language for audio and subtitles.
4. Now you can click back and watch TV
5. Click OK to bring up the channel list
6. If you click OK on a channel, it will appear in a window and if you click OK again, you will get full screen

Just like that, you were done!

Here you can see some useful videos from Formuler,


This instruction applies to Formuler Z Prime, Formuler Z7 and Formuler Z+.

Step 1:

When you get the box home, start by plugging in all the included cables and use an internet cable if you have poor Wi-Fi.
Now you start up the box and let it install everything.
But you’re not quite done yet!
Now go up to the gear in the upper right corner
Then go to update and install the latest firmware, etc

Step 2:


1. IMPORTANT TO SEND THE CORRECT ID NUMBER *Mac address* which you can find inside the edit portal. SEE IMAGE TO THE RIGHT
2. In Portal Nickname, write: NXT-iPTV
3. Portal URL: Issued upon request or when purchasing a subscription
4. When you have filled in the link on the PORTAL URL, press the BACK button on your remote control
5. Fill in the username and password. (you can find it in the email we sent you or in your M3U link)
6. If you have done everything correctly now, the portal will start up
7. If it doesn’t start, you should check if you sent the correct ID number and wrote off the portal correctly that we sent you!

Step 3:
1. When the portal has read everything, press the menu button on the box
2. Now go to settings
3. Go down and change the Buffer Time to 3 Sec.
4. Scroll down until you find Epg Mode change it to Normal
5. If the Channel List Style is not set to Classic, we think you should change it to that, as the layout will be much better and it is simpler and smoother
6. Now that you have changed all this, go out and start a channel
7. The box will ask if you want to download audio files and you should
8. Once installed the sound will disappear on some channels BUT do a reboot and the sound is back
9. To add text on certain channels, etc., PRESS THE RED BUTTON, then a small pop up will appear on the top left of the TV

Just like that, you were done!